Parish Council

Your parish council meets on Monday night (8/4) at the Bowls Pavilion starting at 7pm. The full agenda (Adobe/PDF, 415KB) can be found on their web site.

The meeting is starting half an hour early so that officers from Cambridgeshire County Council can brief the council on their plans for improvements at the A10/Humphries Way junction.

The following planning applications are being considered relating to properties in Milton village:

  • s/0428/13/fl – Milton CE Primary School. Erection of fencing to enclose front grassed area (Butt Lane).

Other items on the agenda include:

  • To discuss an offer from a local business to sponsor smartening up the
    roundabout outside Tesco (planting flower beds etc.), in return for advertising on the roundabout.

  • To consider an application from Milton Colts Football Club for £600 to allow
    two teams to play home games outside the village.

  • A request from a villager to sell the horse grazing north of the allotments to them for use as an orchard, possibly a community orchard.
  • To receive reports of various meetings with other authorities.
  • To receive an update from Mark Ellwood on progress with the photos from the Easy collection.
  • To receive reports from our county and district councillors.