Planning Committee

Your parish council Planning Committee meets at 7:30pm on Monday (18/3) in the Bowls Pavilion. The parish council web site has the agenda online (Adobe/PDF, 73KB) online.

The following new applications are being considered relating to properties in Milton village:

  • s/0280/13/fl – 3 Woodman Way, Milton – Proposed single storey side extension and conversion of garage to habitable accommodation
  • s/0392/13/fl – 20 Butt Lane – conversion of garage to habitable accommodation including dormer windows on roof.
  • s/0482/13/nm – 27 Butt Lane – single storey rear extension – relocation of velux window – Non-Material Amendment (for information only).

The agenda also notes that application s/0104/13/fl at 9 Hall End for a two storey side extension has been refused by South Cambridgeshire District Council and that application s/0962/12/fl at 33A Froment Way for change of use from annexe to separate dwelling is now going to appeal. Any further or amended comments should be sent in writing to be received by Planning Inspectorate by 8th April.