Milton Hall Heritage Statement 2013



Supporting documentation for Listed Building application January 2013.



Kingston Barns Bourn Road

Kingston CB23 2NP

Tel: 01223 696111


1.0 Introduction
2.0 History
3.0 Analysis
4.0 Bibliography



1.0 Introduction.
This statement has been produced to support the Listed Building application for the
refurbishment of Milton Hall, Milton.

The proposed works are to update the interior of the space for use as prestigious
Serviced Offices. Most of the space was last refurbished in the 1980R^s and although its
use is already commercial office space the interior needs to be redesigned to support
Serviced Offices for multiple tenants. Very few works are external and all external works
are within the boundary of the existing building.

Please read this statement in conjunction with the following information.

1. Drawings from The Workspace Consultants LLP. The General Arrangement

Plans show the intended internal layout, the Existing Plans show the current
layouts and the Builders Plans show the proposed works.
2. Photographic survey (referenced on the Existing Plans).
3. Historic drawings and documentation.

Ground Floor General Arrangement Plan D-036 001 Rev C Ground Floor Existing Plan D-036 002 Rev A

Ground Floor Builders Plan D-036 003 Rev A
First Floor General Arrangement Plan D-036 010 Rev C First Floor Existing Plan D-036 011 Rev A
First Floor Builders Plan D-036 012 Rev A
Basement and Second Floor General Arrangement Plans D-036 020 Rev C Basement and Second Floor Existing Plans D-036 021 Rev A
Basement and Second Floor Builders Plans D-036 022 Rev A
Proposed Elevations D-036 050 Rev – Existing Elevations D-036 051 Rev –
Site Plan D-036 052 Rev –
Block plan D-036 053 Rev –
Historic drawings and research are also enclosed for information only.
ChildrenR^s Home Plans from August 1946
Electricity Board Plans from December 1949 Lyster Grillet and Harding various drawings from 1983 & 1984



2.0 History

Milton Hall was built for the Rev Samuel Knight around 1790. The design was derived from the plates in Sir John SoaneR^s Plans, Elevations and Sections of Buildings (1788).

The most similar are of Tendring Hall, Suffolk and Letton Hall (see below).

TENDRING HALL, – Sir John SoaneR^s Plans, Elevations and Sections of Buildings (1788).

LETTON HALL – Sir John SoaneR^s Plans, Elevations and Sections of Buildings (1788).

The gardens and landscapes were laid out to the designs of KnightR^s friend Humphrey
Repton in 1789 with an R’Ornamental piece of water and park like groundsR^. Most of the
grounds no longer belong to the current owner but are visible through the boundary.
The lake is due to be reinstated as part of the development behind the hall.



The house was residential until 1888, it was owned by the Knights and the
BaumgartnerR^s until it was sold in 1859, subsequently owned by Richard Miller (a
Cambridge wine merchant) until 1866 and then the RevR^d Charles William Giles until
1988. It was then sold in to the Pryors of Cambridge who leased it whilst letting to
farmers most of the parks.

MILTON HALL – Sale Particulars from 1859



MILTON HALL – Sale Particulars from 1859



During the 1930R^s the hall was used to house refugee Basque children and between
1939-1945 as military billets.

In 1948 it was sold to the Eastern Electricity Board who used it as a regional HQ. During
this time many deeply unsympathetic alterations were made to the interior of the hall
and during the 50R^s and the 60R^s the stables and associated out buildings were all
demolished to build two new office wings. (Currently identified as the North and East

MILTON HALL – Pre 1980R^s View from South East



Milton Hall was listed in October 1982 just before Sinclair Research Ltd bought the site
for use as offices (1983).

The building is Grade 2 listed and the listing text describes the building as follows.
R’Small country House of Gault, stone dressing. Low pitched hipped

slate roofs. Symmetrical arrangement of central three storey block of three R’baysR^ with end stacks, flanked by two storey single bay wings
raised over basement with deep plinth. Kitchen wing of two storeys to North East. Semi circular rear elevation of central block reflected over
plan of first and second floors. Wooden eaves cornices with dentil enrichment. Main elevation: three second floor, four-paned and
central six-paned recessed hung sash windows in cambered gauged brick arches. Similar first and ground floor windows with eight
and twelve-panes. Tuscan porch approached by stone steps originally semi-circular in plan; round arched brick doorway with
patterned fanlight and wide six-panelled door. Some C18 mullioned and transomed windows with leaded lights to rear of kitchen wing.
Interior. Geometric planned open string staircase with square balusters and mahogany hand rail lit by oval stair light with cast iron
glazing bars. Original paneled mahogany and painted doors with some C19 attic doors; dentil cornice with composite pilasters and
marks for two missing columns in paneled entablature in ground floor room if south west wing. Kitchen with sealed cooking hearth and
stop-chamfered ceiling beams also in servantsR^ hall and scullery. ServantR^s stair. Brick vaulted basement. Some alterations to north-east
wing and kitchen wing were made c. 1955R^



There were many alterations to the hall and associated buildings between 1983 and
1985. A new curved screened wall was added to the western front encompassing a new Link Building with a relocated main entrance as well as significant works to the

parking and grounds. Many internal features were significantly altered at this time. All
internal servantsR^ staircases were removed and the sweeping centre piece staircase with the oval stair light over was extended both up to the 2nd floor and down to a

significantly enlarged basement. Most of the original servantR^s wing was generally
degraded to cater for the new reception area, with much of the historic fabric significantly compromised. The grounds to the South East were heavily excavated to

cater for a bar in the cellars and an external staircase from the oval room on the South
East elevation was removed to make way for a much grander balcony with stairs but was never built.

MILTON HALL 1984 – View from North West MILTON HALL 1984 – View from West

MILTON HALL 1984 – View from South east MILTON HALL 1984 – View from North East



3.0 Analysis
The original Georgian Hall built in 1792 has been used as office accommodation for
over 60 years. It has been empty now for nearly a year because the interior is very
tired and needs upgrading in line with the level of accommodation offered elsewhere
in Cambridge. Lighting, heating and IT provisions all need to be upgraded to current

MILTON HALL 2013 – View from North West
The proposals are to refurbish the original hall, the link building and the north wing to a
level which will attract the local desire for serviced offices. Much research has been
carried out into the demand for serviced office accommodation and the layouts have
been designed to cater for small businesses of 2-8 staff. There may also be a group
offices where new companies can rent just one or 2 desks.

It is believed that Milton Hall will be a significant selling feature for these offices as the
both the hall and the grounds have a gravitas and beauty not found with other
serviced offices.

The level of fit out in the whole of the complex will be good with a prestigious reception
area in the hall vestibule. The key requirements for a successful development are an
impressive entrance with clear and easy way finding, bookable meeting facilities with
breakout areas and serviced office accommodation. The hall will be one of the key
interests for prospective tenants and as such any original features will be highly valued.



A disabled entrance will give access to both the link and the north wing; this will be fed
by a new ramp integrated into the current curved walkway to the front the building.
Disabled facilities will also be provided for the link and the north wing.

MILTON HALL 2013 – View showing proposed disabled access.

MILTON HALL 2013 – View from West



The removal of some of the recently added walls in the stairwells of the hall will facilitate
the feeling of grandeur whilst balancing the space in line with the John Soane designs.

It is difficult to balance the building against the original design with so much of it
removed or altered. The proposed layouts aim to both rebalance whilst facilitating the
change from single to multiple users.

A selection of interior photos is shown. A significant photographic survey is also
included in the application.


View showing entrance hall

Views showing staircase

View showing stair light



2.0 Bibliography
The County Archives – Castle Hill The Cambridge University Library – Grange Road
John Soane Plans, Elevations and Sections of Buildings 1788
Private research from interested parties