Christmas Bin Collections

Our bin collections by South Cambridgeshire District Council over the next few weeks shifted a bit because of Christmas and New Year. As usual if you forget you can always check by looking on the village web site home page where the next collection is shown in a box on the left hand side, and it’s also shown at the bottom of every Milton News email if you subscribe to Milton News.

Anyway here’s a summary of what’s happening:

Tuesday 18/12/2012   Black Bin
Thursday 27/12/2012 Green & Blue Bins
Thursday 03/01/2013 Black Bin
Wednesday  09/01/2013 Green & Blue Bins
Tuesday 15/01/2013 Black Bins

It’s also worth mentioning that according to the
latest guidance from SCDC ordinary paper gift wrap and greeting cards can now go in the blue bin. Metalic/plastic gift wrap still has to go in the black bin.