Police and Crime Commissioner

The Police & Crime Commissioner Election is taking place on Thursday (15/11) with the count and the result declared on Friday. There are seven
candidates for the post of Police and Crime Commissioner for Cambridgeshire.

Nominated Candidates Party or Independent Candidate
Ansar Ali Independent
Sir Graham Bright The Conservative Party Candidate
Paul Bullen UK Independence Party (UKIP)
Stephen Goldspink English Democrats – More Police – Catching Criminals
Farooq Mohammed Independent
Rupert Moss-Eccardt Liberal Democrat
Ed Murphy Labour Party Candidate

Our polling station is at the Bowls Pavilion in Coles Road and is open from 7am to 10pm. The election is a form of proportional representation and you get to mark your first and, optionally, second choices on the ballot paper. This video explains how to do that in a suitably patronising manner.

When they count the votes the first preferences are counted, and if a candidate has received more than 50% of the votes cast they are elected.

If no candidate has more than 50% of the vote, all candidates apart from those in the first and second place are eliminated.

The ballot papers showing a first preference for the eliminated candidates are checked for their second preference. Any second preference votes for the two remaining candidates are then added to the candidates’ first preference votes and the candidate with the most votes wins.