Milton WI Lunchtime Spring Bazaar & Soup Kitchen

This Saturday (18/2) from 11am to 3pm Milton Women's Institute are holding a Lunchtime Spring Bazaar & Soup Kitchen at All Saints’ Church Hall. Attractions will include: bring & buy, raffle, plants, tombola, children’s Easter egg design competition, home made soup & a roll, teas and coffees.

Come along and meet members of Milton WI and hear about what activities they offer within Milton, Cambridgeshire and further afield at the WI College at Denman, Oxfordshire. All family members are welcome!

If you’re coming by car then please park in PI Innova’s car park as parking in Church Lane is very limited. Their entrance is in Ely Road. Then walk through into Church Lane via the side gate and down to the Church Hall.

For further information telephone Gill Offley, President on 293231 or Bridget Crow, Secretary on 441755 or see