Parish Council

Your parish council meets tonight (7/11) at the Bowls Pavilion starting at 7:30pm. The full agenda (Adobe/PDF, 297KB) can be found on their web site.

The following applications are being considered relating to properties in Milton village:

  • s/1790/11 Cambridgeshire Fire & Safety – storage yard Cambridge Road (industrial estate) change of use to fire training facility, including erection of fire training tower and installation of portacabin amenity block (P4/10-11).
  • s/1861/11 – 73 Cambridge Road – replacement garage single storey extension including new porch and alterations

Other items on the agenda include appointing a new parish councillor, discussing winter gritting, the two minutes’ silence, play equipment, to receive reports from the community care, finance, staffing, and youth committees, the award of the village maintenance contract, and recommendations for various tree works.