Village Emergency Plan

Milton has been asked to produce an Emergency Plan to list the resources the village can expect to call on in case of an extreme emergency. We may for example be asked by the police to coordinate rescue or evacuation activity in the village, in case they are swamped by issues across the area, until they can take over.

The plan is that there will be a small steering group to develop the plan. If you would like to help with that that be great.

However the main objective of this plan is to build a list of resources that can be called on in an emergency. So if:

  • you are a trained first-aider (lots of people have to do that with work, are you one of those?)
  • you are a medical professional
  • you own a 4×4 vehicle
  • you own a chainsaw (especially a petrol one)
  • you own a tractor or similar agricultural vehicle
  • you are part of a catering team
  • you are a radio amateur
  • you have a boat
  • or anything else you can think of that might be useful in an emergency

Plus if you have a skill or experience of dealing with real emergency situations that you would like to share with the group, then they would like to hear from you.

You can contact the steering group via the parish clerk on 861447 or (preferably) email to let them know your contact details and what you might be able to offer.