Man Fined for Litter Offences

David Claxton of Woodman Way has been convicted of failing to comply with a litter clearance notice under Sec92a of the Environmental Protection Act 1990.

Claxton failed to appear at Cambridge Magistrates Court on Thursday, 18th August but the case was still heard in his absence. He was found guilty, fined £250 and ordered to pay South Cambridgeshire District Council (SCDC) costs of £540 and a victim surcharge of £15.

A complaint was received from the Parish Council that rubbish had been left outside Claxton’s front door, which is a communal area. SCDC’s Enforcement Officers repeatedly attempted to contact Claxton to ask him to remove this, without success.

On 9th May this year a litter clearance notice was issued directing him to remove the rubbish within 28 days, which he failed to comply with.

This is the second occasion that Claxton has been convicted for exactly the same offence.

Cllr Sue Ellington, portfolio holder for environmental services at SCDC said:

The waste on this occasion could have quite easily been disposed of at the nearby recycling centre in Butt Lane.

We welcomed the outcome and hope it sends a clear message out that we will not tolerate littering in our district.

Members of the public who witness fly tipping or littering incidents are urged to call SCDC on 03450 450 063.