Retirement Housing Plans up in the Air

There will be an extraordinary meeting of the parish council planning committee on Monday (4/7) 7pm in the Lounge of the Miton Community Centre to discuss the planning application submitted by Urban Renaissance Villages to convert the proposed retirement village on the former EDF site off Ely Road into general housing consisting of eighty nine dwellings (including affordable housing).

Iwan Jones of URV and Lucy Stone from architects Barton Willmore will be on hand for the first hour or so to discuss details of the application. The agenda is online here (Adobe/PDF, 67KB) on the parish council web site. You can also find copies of the plans for the general housing application here or stop by the parish office to see hard copies of the plans.

This change to the planning application is likely to be of some interest to you if you live at the north end of the village, especially in Church Lane, Knights Way or Goding Way.

The committee will also be considering one other application:

  • s/0987/11 – 7 Willow Crescent – front dormer.