Reducing Vehicle Crime in South Cambridgeshire

Vehicle crime reduction events are taking place throughout South Cambridgeshire in December including one at Milton Tesco this Thursday (9/12) between 4pm and 8pm. You will be able to get advice on reducing vehicle crime from agencies that form the South Cambridgeshire Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership. The police and South Cambridgeshire District Council have organised the events to try and reduce seasonal car crime in the area.

The events will give you the opportunity to get advice and information from the police on how to keep valuables safe in your car during the Christmas season.
The mobile police unit will also be on hand you to speak to the Police about any concerns you may have in your local area.

Information about renting SCDC garages and leaflets on vehicle crime reduction will be available.

Chief Inspector Dave Sargent said:

This is a unique opportunity for the public to come and meet the local policing teams, crime reduction officers and partners and seek advice and guidance on keeping their vehicles safe and secure. Seasonally this time of year always sees an increase in peoples cars being broken into by opportunistic thieves searching for presents. We will do anything we can do to raise awareness.