Enterprise Nurseries

The parish council agenda (Adobe/PDF, 178KB) includes this note from one of our district councillors about the old Enterprise Nurseries site just to the north of the village up the A10:

The South Cambs enforcement officer phoned me on Thursday afternoon (1st April) to let me know that the court had granted an injunction against anyone wanting to move onto the Enterprise Nurseries site.

Sharp-eyed local people will be aware that the derelict site behind the old farm shop there has been cleared of greenhouses and a hard surface has been laid at the back.

There was some evidence that a large group of travellers were thinking of moving onto the site over Easter weekend, and I alerted SCDC to rumours in the village.
A judge requires a significant amount of concrete evidence before they will issue an injunction, and this had apparently been obtained.

Once the injunction has been issued and served it is a criminal offence to move onto the land, and anyone doing so is in contempt of court and can be sent to prison. However the police will not normally go out straight away There is a
procedure for enforcing, that starts with contacting the District Council portfolio holder Nick Wright. His number is 07808 267092. An incident number, 471 of 1st April, has been set up.