Minerals & Waste Exhibition

There will be a exhibition in the Bowls Pavilion this Thursday (25/2) from 3pm to 8:30pm relating to the “Submission Stage” of the Minerals & Waste Local Plan.

Long time readers will remember that a consultation on “Preferred Options” for this Plan was undertaken in October 2008 including a proposal for an incinerator on Butt Lane, which was strongly opposed locally.

Yet more proposals were added to the Plan in April 2009 although with little potential impact on Milton.

After all this work the councils involved have now decided what policies and allocations they want to adopt, and have reached what is officially called the Submission Stage and a final round of consultations is now taking place around the country. All comments (which at this late stage are limited to seeking views on the soundness of the policies and proposals put forward) have to be in by 29th March 2010.

Thereafter the Plan and a summary of consultation responses will be submitted to the Secretary of State in July 2010.