No New Hotel Opposite Tesco

On 10th November several of your local councillors attended the appeal on the refusal of a planning application for “Erection of 120 Bed Hotel and Restaurant together with Associated Parking and Infrastructure” on the field opposite Tesco which they describe as the “teardrop site”.

Photo montage of hotel from roundabout

We heard today that the applicants have lost their appeal so the field remains undeveloped for now. You can find the full decision online here.

It’s clear that the Green Belt status of the field was an important factor for the appeal being refused. For example the inspector said:

I agree [that] the site performs
an important function in preventing the coalescence of Milton and Cambridge.
In this respect the site performs a particularly valuable role when driving into
Milton from the A14/A10 interchange as it provides a clear visual separation of
the two built-up areas.