Parish Council

Your parish council meets on Monday. The full agenda is online
here (Adobe/PDF 59KB).

Jane Coston will be reporting on the County Council’s decision to go ahead with the Milton to Impington Cycle/Foot Way scheme.

Two planning applications are being considered in the village: erection of dwelling following demolition of existing bungalow at 53 Cambridge Road and
a concrete batching plant for Gemmix SGB Storage and Distribution, Cambridge Road. This latter application was discussed at the council’s last planning meeting where the following comments and it was referred to full council:

Concerns: extensive times of operation (24 hours a day/7 days a week); danger to already busy traffic junction (as well as cycle bridge users); potential lorry traffic through the village (application contains no proper access plan); noise pollution; precedent for heavy industrial work on a light industrial estate; inappropriate development; high, unsightly towers would be a blight on village appearance (parish plan specifically addressed entrance to the village as an area for visual improvement).

Council will also be considering a proposal for double yellow lines on the road outside Milton Country Park, the provision of CCTV at the bowls pavilion, a quotation to scan the council’s minutes from 1953 – 1995 so they could be put onto CD-ROM for archival purposes.