Parish Council

Your parish council meets on Monday night (7/9) at 7:30pm. The full agenda is available here. It looks like being a long meeting.

The agenda includes two items related to Cambridge Sport Lakes Trust, who run the Country Park: problems with the field next to the railway line (which they own and which is wide open and where anti-social behaviour is occurring) and parking problems along the entrance road to the Country Park.

Various items related to Tesco and its environs are also being discussed.

The Gypsy & Traveller Community Strategy and Gypsy & Traveller site consultation are being discussed.

Planning applications in the village are being considered as follows:

  • S/1146/09 Village Vets Maple Cottage 26 Cambridge Road – single storey infill extension with pitched roof and conversion of existing double garage to provide additional space for veterinary practice
  • S/1196/09 Mr Swegen and Ms Bennett 45 Butt Lane – two storey extension
  • S/1215/09 Mr Barry Tibone 81 Coles Road – single storey extensions to domestic dwelling – consisting of family room and entrance porch / shower room extension
  • C/11/17/072/14 Mrs E Taylor 2 Walnut Close – trimming of walnut tree at 1 Walnut Close overhanging conservatory at 2 Walnut Close

The council’s response to the proposed Milton to Impington cycle route is being discussed.

The council, which has been looking for land for a new recreation ground for a long time, must now decide what to do about land off Landbeach Road on which is was previously granted planning permission but which is soon to expire.

Proposals from the Parish Plan Communications Working Group for changes to the parish council web site are to be discussed.

There will also be reports from: the Parish Plan Environmental Group and their proposal for a hydro-electric scheme at Baits Bite Lock, Milton Community Centre, and county and district councillors.