One & Other

Chris Thomas of Hall End is taking part in Antony Gormley’s One & Other artwork (2,400 people get an hour each on the empty fourth plinth in Trafalgar Square over 100 days and nights).

Chris’ slot is next Wednesday … from 2am to 3am!

Chris will be doing a five minute introduction to East Anglia/Cambridgeshire, hopefully based on listeners contributions from the Andie Harper Show on what they like or dislike about the region. (Chris was on the show this week being interviewed by Andie).

Then he will set up a microscope – representing hobbies – and look at a few
samples and photograph them. Images to then be uploaded to Chris’
Picasa account.

There will be a running commentary on what he’s doing and also on communication, e.g. the media, social networking and social groups and clubs.

I’m sure he’ll welcome your support if you happen to be in London at that time on Wednesday morning(!) but failing that it will, like all the other contributions, be streamed on the Web.