No To Community Stadium

Government planning inspectors reviewing South Cambridgeshire District Council’s Site Specific Policies Development Plan Document (SSPDPD) have rejected proposals for development of a strategic sports development in the Green Belt on land west of Milton between the Park and Ride site and the land fill site.

The proposal for a “community stadium” has been around for several years with Cambridge United, Cambridge City, and Histon football clubs along with and Cambridge Rugby Club all being linked to it at one time or another.

The report from the government inspectors is currently in draft form for fact checking by the council and, once the final report is agreed, the SSPDPD is expected to be adopted in the Autumn. A copy of the report is available to inspect at the council’s offices in Cambourne. Once finalised, a copy will be made available online on their web site.

(Thanks to Stephen for the ‘heads up’ on this story.)