Milton to Impington Cycle/Foot Way Consultation

As we’ve mentioned here before the County Council is proposing to build a new foot and cycleway to link Milton with Impington and also to make improvements to the Winship Road junction (the road to Cambridge News etc) to benefit both cyclists and pedestrians.

You can view the related documents here:

The proposed path from Milton to Impington is a simple off road path on the south side of Butt Lane/Milton Road which will finish just inside the 30mph limit in Impington at St Andrew’s Way. It therefore seems to fail to address what is in many ways the most dangerous part both for cyclists and drivers – the section through the wiggles past the church. This may to be a concern if your children attend Impington Village College or will do in future because,
as previously mentioned here, the building of the path to Impington is likely to mean the withdrawal of free bus service to the college.

The proposal for Winship Road is essentially to reduce the splay so that pedestrians and cyclists have a clearer view down Winship Road before they have to go into the road.

There will be an exhibition of the proposals at the Bowls Pavilion in Coles Road on Tuesday, 1st September from 4:30pm to 7:30pm.