Appeal on New Hotel on Field Opposite Tesco

You may remember that Turnstone Estates Ltd lodged a planning application for “Erection of 120 Bed Hotel and Restaurant together with Associated Parking and Infrastructure” on the field opposite Tesco which they describe as the “teardrop site”.

Photo montage of hotel from roundabout

The application was lodged with both the City Council and SCDC as part of the site falls in both district councils’ areas of responsibility. The application was rejected back in January by both local authorities, mainly on the grounds that the land is Green Belt and the applicants have not demonstrated any special circumstances that would justify a deviation from the policy of very restricted development in the Green Belt.

The applicants have now appealed to the Secretary of State. If you objected to the original application then your objections will have been forwarded to the Planning Inspectorate and you should be receiving a letter confirming all this about now.