Parish Council Community Care Committee

This committee meets on Thursday (16/7) at 11am in the Bowls Pavilion. Full agenda is online
here (Adobe/PDF, 145KB) and includes a proposal to co-opt The Reverend David Chamberlin onto the committee.

It’s all pretty routine stuff but one point worthy of note on this agenda. It says:

To anyone waiting for a place at Barnabas Court: they should all be registered with the Homelink Scheme through South Cambs. A flat was empty recently and not one person who was on the original list bid for it. The manager is concerned that they are not aware or do not know what to do.

Barnabas Court is the sheltered housing in the south west corner of Coles Road Rec. If you have a relative who’s approaching the age where a flat there would suit them, or indeed you are in that situation, this is worth thinking about.