Recycling in Milton

Kylie Kavanagh, Waste, Recycling and Minimisation Officer at SCDC would like to know about your experiences of recycling and not recycling. She writes:

I am the Recycling Officer at South Cambridgeshire District Council and
I am carrying out work to find out why people decide to recycle and why
others don’t. What are the barriers that motivate people to recycle /
not to recycle and what are the barriers preventing people recycling or
only some of the time?

I am really interested in speaking to anyone who is happy to share their
personal experiences of recycling / not recycling. The information will
provide me with an insight into how I need to communicate the recycling
messages to residents and also look into the barriers that people may

Whether you recycle or not I really want to hear from you? For those
non-recyclers out there I am particularly interested in your views so I
would really like to hear from you and please be assured that this is
purely for me to try and understand the ‘whole picture’. So tell me
about your experiences and feelings towards recycling and email

I look forward to hearing from everyone and if you have a friend or
neighbour with an different opinion on recycling please encourage them
to contact me because everyone’s experience will be different and

Many thanks
