Yet More Minerals and Waste Proposals

Six new proposals have been added in the latest round of consultations on the new Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Minerals and Waste Plan which will help plan where new mineral, waste and recycling facilities will be built in Cambridgeshire up to 2026.

The consultation will finish on 12th May and people can have their say by going to the County Council’s website. The views expressed in this consultation will be used to form the final strategy which will then go out to public consultation in February and March 2010.

The two which are relatively close to Milton are an energy from waste facility i.e. combined heat and power facility for the proposed new development of Northstowe and a railhead for aggregates (including crushed rock) and potentially waste at land north of Chesterton Sidings i.e. the eastern end of the Cambridge Sewage Works site.