Parish Council

Your parish council meets on Monday night. The full agenda is available online (Adobe/PDF, 424KB).

As well as the presentation on using Todd’s Pit as a rowing lake council will be considering an application from Cambridge News for a generator and yet more sites in Minerals & Waste Plan plan. The only ones really relevant to Milton is for an “Energy from Waste” plant i.e. a waste incinerator but at Northstowe this time and also a proposal to extend the siding in Chesterton northwards towards the village but as that’s across the A14 the impact would be pretty limited.

Progress on the Parish Plan is being discussed as is a proposal (relating to the Plan) to re-launch the village guide which was last published as an A5 booklet at the end of the last century.

Council is being asked to accept a recommendation by the maintenance committee to set the burial fee for non-residents to quadruple residents’ fees (it was previously double).