Parish Council

Your parish council has a busy week this week.

On Monday night full council meets. Three planning applications are being considered: a first floor extension over existing garage and part playroom at 9 Hall End, conversion of garage to an annexe at 63 Cambridge Road, and the erection of a wind turbine at Tesco. This latter proposal has already caused some comment on the milton-chat mailing list.

The council will be considering what comments it wants to make on the latest round of the Minerals and Waste Plan. You may remember that in the last round we had the incinerator at the land fill site added. This time it’s a proposal to develop at new waste site in Chesterton Fen which is the key issue for the parish, if not for the village. There’s also the a proposal to extract 200,000m³ of clay from the land fill site to help with the A14 widening. This will increase the site’s life by about two years based on current use patterns.

The council will be being asked to approve the action plan arising from the Parish Plan and the distribution of “A Plan for Milton” to the village.

The council will also be considering three proposals to improve the Winship Road junction.

On Wednesday evening the council’s minibus committee meets. Among other things it will be reviewing the tariffs for 2009/10.

On Thursday morning the community care committee meets.

You can find the full agendas and supporting documents on the village web site.

All of these meetings are open to the public and, as usual, there is an opportunity to speak at the start of the full council meeting.