Health Walk Scheme Wins National Accolade

Congratulations to Milton Country Park, who have been awarded accreditation by Walking the way to Health, a Natural England initiative.

The Country Park became an accredited scheme on 25th February 2009, having successfully demonstrated that they meet the required criteria. This includes offering led walks for beginners, meeting the “Walking the way to Health” safety and insurance standards for all walks and collecting basic monitoring information.

As an accredited scheme, Milton Country Park will benefit from being seen as part of a nationally evaluated scheme as well as being formally recognised by health professionals, prospective partners and funders.

Malcolm Busby, Scheme co-ordinator for the park, said:

We have been running health walks at the park for some time now, it’s very rewarding for us to achieve the accreditation as recognition for the work we have put into running them, health walks are good for physical health and those attending find the socialising just as much fun as well.

Milton Country Park welcomes new walkers throughout the year. If you’d like to walk with Milton Country Park or train as a Walking the way to Health Volunteer Walk Leader please contact the Scheme Co-ordinator, Malcolm Busby, on 420060 or

Health Walks at Milton currently take place every Tuesday afternoon at 2.00pm starting from the visitor centre.