Flood Warning Closes Waterbeach Station Car Park

Waterbeach Station car park will be closed from 10pm tonight, Tuesday, on advice from the Environment Agency over concerns it may become flooded (as happened in 2001, writing off at least one car). The decision to close the car park follows flood warnings from the Environment Agency and signs as well as flyers will be put up at the car park and on cars to warn drivers

The car park will be closed from 10pm tonight until further notice and customers are asked to ring the contact centre number on 0845 0455212 for further information about re-opening.

Campbell Ross-Bain for Cambridgeshire County Council, said:

Closing this facility is a hard decision but it is sensible to stop people from parking there if there is a chance that their cars would become full of flood water. As soon as it is safe to re-open the car park we will. In the meantime, we apologise to motorists for this and ask them to find alternative arrangements to get to the station.

Cambridgeshire County Councillor Michael Williamson, Local Member for Waterbeach, said:

I can understand why this decision has been made. I ask motorists to look for other ways to get to and from the station and if they are forced to park in Waterbeach to do so with regard to local residents and other motorists.