Parish Action Plan Meeting

Dear Milton Resident

First may I wish you a Happy New Year!

I am writing to remind you of the re-arranged meeting about the next stage of the Milton Parish Action Plan. The meeting is due to take place this Thursday (15/1) at 7:30pm in the Bowls pavilion – entrance round the corner from the Parish Office in the first part of the Coles Road Car Park.

Please can I encourage you to attend. If the Action Plan is going to be in anyway effective then there needs to be as wide a collection of views and opinions as possible. You will not be committing yourself to a long term attendance of lots of meetings – rather helping to start the process, contribute some initial thoughts and learn how you can continue to contribute either at future meetings or by other routes.

There are two main purposes to the meeting

  • unveil the report about the survey, called ‘A plan for Milton’ prior to
    printing and distribution

  • kick start the working groups by identifying a ‘core membership’ and thinking about how the groups might take forward their discussions.

Both these make a lot more sense if there is a ‘critical mass’ of people present, so we need as many people as possible.

I am hoping that Alan Hampton from ACRE will be present to give some feedback and advice – also PCSO Claire Whiteman who would like to meet people and make a start on the Neighbourhood Watch scheme (if she has been able to rearrange her duty shift).

It would be helpful (but not essential) if you could let me know if you are coming so that we can provide enough refreshments.

I do hope you can come – and remember this is one way to fulfil that New Year’s resolution about sharing your views about life in Milton.

Phil Badley