Parish Plan Preview

You are invited to a Preview of ‘A Plan for Milton

This is the report based on the village survey that is being prepared giving information about the data collected and the action plan submitted to the Parish Council. It will be sent to all households in the village.

This event will take place on Thursday 11th December starting at 7.30pm in the Bowls Pavilion (entrance round the corner from the Parish Office).

Like all good launch parties there will be refreshments (of a suitable festive nature in recognition of the season) a multi-media show (so that’s pictures and music) a short presentation (it is a promise that it will not be long) and the opportunity to here what other people think about the plan.

We would particularly like to hear your views of the plan – of course we also hope that you might be interested in becoming involved in the next stage of the process – but we also recognise that not everyone is able to take an active part.

We hope you are able to accept this invitation. If you know that you are going to come please let us know (to help plan enough the refreshments) – contact Phil Badley by e-mail or phone 01223 710086 or a message at the Parish Office – by Friday 5th December. BUT if you make a late decision to come do not be put off because you have not contacted us- all Milton Residents are welcome.

Phil Badley
(on behalf of the planning group)