Threat to Patient Choice

You may remember that last month Doctors Steward and Hunt asked for your help with a threat to the GP Dispensary. The consultation closed last Thursday and they would like to offer their thanks for supporting them in trying to prevent changes which would close the dispensary.

The national association has produced this
press release (MS/Word, 40KB).

Doctor Hunt remarked:

Talking to other doctors it seems that our patients have been really supportive and we greatly appreciate this. If all the other dispensing surgeries have had a similar response then there will be a lot of consultation responses in favour of keeping dispensing surgeries as they currently are.

I particularly liked the quote from John Grogan MP (Chair of the Parliamentary Labour Party Departmental Committee for Health and Social Services)
“There is an old saying much beloved in Yorkshire, ‘if it aint broke don’t fix it’. I know from representing the most rural Labour constituency in England that the dispensing doctors offer an essential service to many of my constituents, which should not in any way be threatened.”