Progress with the Milton Parish Plan

The Action Plan based on the data from the parish survey was approved by the Parish Council last Monday. They now need your help to make the next stage of the process work! The next stage of the process is very much about discussing specific issues and making recommendations to the Parish Council or getting involved in specific tasks.

The plan calls for the setting up of 5 new working groups –

  • Communications Group – to help improve the communications of activities and
    events and community news throughout the village.

  • Environment Group – discussion and action on Environment issues – this group
    is already meeting under the guidance of Hazel Smith.

  • Police Liaison Group – look at a range of issues linked to police and
    community law & order – including Neighbourhood watch scheme.

  • Village Appearance Group – to make recommendations on specific areas in the

  • Travel Group – to make recommendations re road junctions, public transport
    issues, other travel issues for all road users (drivers, cyclists,

The Parish Plan Steering Group also has some specific actions still to be


These groups will only make a difference if a good range of people get involved. If you have any interest or just want to know more please come along to the next meeting – Thursday 20th November 7:30 pm in the Bowls pavilion (door round corner from Parish Office)

If you can’t make it but are interested in being involved then get in touch with Phil Badley on 01223 710086 or if you want information about a
particular group you are interested in joining.