New Hotel on Field Opposite Tesco

Turnstone Estates Ltd has lodged a planning application for “Erection of 120 Bed Hotel and Restaurant together with Associated Parking and Infrastructure” on the field opposite Tesco which they describe as the “teardrop site”. The application has been lodged with both the City Council and SCDC as part of the site falls in both district councils’ areas of responsibility.

At SCDC it’s planning application number S/1792/08/F and you can find it online here and all the case files here.

At the City it’s planning application number 08/1420/FUL and you can find it online here. Comments must be in to them by 12th November.

It’s described in some of the supporting documents as a “limited-service/budget hotel” – so think Travelodge and you won’t be far wrong.

Here’s the basic site plan for the hotel:

Site plan for hotel

They’ve “solved” the vehicle access issue with the site. They’re proposing that vehicles enter and leave via an exit part way up the road from the “Tesco” roundabout to the A14/A10 roundabout dropping into the field via a 1:24 ramp.

It looks like they may be intending to prevent right turns into the site, so people entering would have to do a U turn at the Tesco roundabout but that’s not entirely clear from the plan.

The hotel itself will look like this:

Elevations for hotel

And finally here’s some photo montages showing how it will look in situ:

Photo montage of hotel from roundabout

Photo montage of hotel from road into Milton

Photo montage of hotel from A14