Milton Children are the Brightest

Mathematically minded youngsters from Milton Primary School have beaten their peers in a county wide numerical challenge. Around two thirds of Cambridgeshire’s primary and junior schools took part in one of the 14 heats of the annual Cambridgeshire Year 5 Maths Challenge, where children practised their estimation and problem solving skills, as well as working with others to solve a memory puzzle.

A total of 27 schools made their way to the final, which was held at the Imperial War Museum in Duxford. It was won by pupils from Milton Primary School, with Linton Heights Junior School coming second and Babraham and Haslingfield Primary Schools tying for third place.

Children worked from their team bases under the wing of a Vulcan bomber to solve problems and puzzles based on the aircraft on display. They also had to answer mental maths questions accurately against the clock.

Nigel Battey, a senior adviser with the Cambridgeshire Advisory Service of Cambridgeshire County Council, presented the winning team with their cup.