Towpath News

Many villagers use the river towpath (the “Haling Way”) both for
recreation and to get into the City. There’s been some issues on the
towpath lately.

There was a meeting organised last Friday for member of the public to meet
the River Manager and the County Council Cycling Officer to discuss
problems with the interaction between cyclists and pedestrians on the
Haling Way. It was attended by both cyclists and pedestrians.

The pedestrians were worried about two types of cyclists, 1) commuter
cyclists who cycle too fast and don’t use their bells and 2) cyclists
associated with University rowing crews who do not look where they are
going and cycle in large groups and there were more complaints about this
second group.

As a result of this meeting the Cam Conservators are consider putting
signs up near the start of the Haling Way.

Also on the Haling Way the Chesterton ecops mailing list reports problems

We are having a few reports of problems on the towpath at the moment, &
unfortunately a shed belonging to the Cambridge University Combined
Boat Club has been broken into causing £250 worth of damage, & contents
of it being stolen. We are also getting reports of kids riding quad
bikes along the towpath, this is extremely dangerous for users of the
towpath, & themselves! [We] will certainly be paying this area a lot
more attention from now on – especially with the summer months fast
approaching. If you see anything suspicious, or a group of kids who
are being abusive or on quad bikes, please let us know.

PCSO Ali Woolmer
PC Karen Lewis
Parkside Police Station
East Chesterton Beat

You can do this by calling 0845 456 456 4 but in an emergency always dial