The Pong

We suffered with the smell from Cambridge Sewage Treatment Works for years
until it was finally got under control as a result of much pressure from
our local councillors and SCDC Environmental Health officers however I’m
sure it won’t have escaped your attention that it has got bad again in
recent weeks.

It’s not just on the A14, it’s throughout the village and in the country
park. When the wind is blowing the right way it’s even getting as far as
us in Church Lane and we’re well north of the works.

So it’s time to put some pressure on. The parish council clerk has been on
to them and so have I but the more complaints they get the better.

There’s two easy ways to do this:

  1. Phone up. See this page for how to do

  2. Email them at – if you do this then CC
    SCDC Environmental Health so they know
    what’s going on.

Make sure you refer to the Cambridge Sewage Treatment Works – that’s its
name and if you refer to the Milton STW they won’t know what you’re talking
about, especially on the phone as the call centre is miles away!