Buggyfit in the Park

Buggyfit is a fitness class for new Mums wanting to get back in shape after their new arrival. Exercise classes out in the fresh air with your baby or toddler in their buggy. Classes comprise power walking aerobic exercise, gentle stretches, muscular strength, endurance and toning, posture and pelvic floor.

They use parks and pathways around Cambridge and anyone can join in once they are 6 weeks post vaginal delivery, or 10 – 12 weeks post c-section. Mums with older babies and toddlers are welcome too – it doesn’t matter how long ago you had your child, as long as they are happy to be wheeled around in a buggy! Double buggies are also welcome. They use whatever is at hand – steps, trees, fences, park benches, etc to exercise and have time to socialise too.

Classes in the Country Park start this Friday 11th January from 11:30-12:30. No need to book – just turn up. Meet in the car park by the toilets. Price: £5.00 per session or purchase a card for £30 for 7 sessions. For more information call Sarah on 569067.