SCDC residents invited to Council Scrutiny

I hesitated to include this in milton-news as it seems unlikely anyone from Milton would want to slog their way over the Foxton at such an anti-social hour but it does affect you and you may want to attend. Residents of South Cambridgeshire will have the opportunity to discuss the results of South Cambridgeshire District Council’s 2006 survey of residents at the scrutiny and overview committee meeting in Foxton on 15th November.

SCDC will be holding the meeting at Foxton Village Hall at 5:30pm. The meeting will begin with a presentation about the results of the Council’s 2006 survey of residents. The meeting will also be a chance for local residents to ask questions on any matter of concern. If possible anyone wanting to ask a question at the meeting is asked to send it in advance to ensure a full reply at the meeting. Questions can be sent to or register by telephone on (01954) 713451. Questions should preferably be sent in before the 14 November.