Have a say about reducing crime in South Cambridgeshire

Over the next month the South Cambridgeshire Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership ( CDRP) is seeking views from residents on the community safety priorities it feels are most important by asking people to complete a short questionnaire. These priorities were chosen by the South Cambridgeshire CDRP which met to consider the crime and disorder issues in the district. Members of the South Cambridgeshire CDRP considered statistical evidence collected from a wide range of sources and have agreed a draft list of priorities to be dealt with during three years, from 2008 to 2011.

Cllr John Reynolds, chair of the South Cambridgeshire CDRP, said,

“This questionnaire provides residents and people working in the district with the opportunity to voice their opinions on the priorities the South Cambridgeshire CDRP believes are important in reducing crime and anti-social behaviour. We look forward to receiving feedback about what issues matter to local people.”

The questionnaire can be completed online.
Hard copies are available by calling Bridget Fairley on (01954) 713367. The deadline to fill in the questionnaire is 7 December 2007.