About Milton News

Since December 1998 Paul Oldham, the original editor of Milton News, ran a mailing list called milton-news reporting news and events to the villagers of Milton, Cambridgeshire.

It was initially operated using the majordomo list server and hosted on a server at his house but as time went by he moved it to a hosted server and switched to using mailman which was easier to use having a Web interface both for subscribers and list owners. Now it’s part of the Milton village web site and it using InfoStorm to send out news to people registered on this site who have asked to receive news.

The list currently has 597 subscribers. In addition 325 people follow Milton News via Twitter.

Some people also follow Milton News via RSS so the total number of subscribers is somewhat higher.

Any new postings to the news pages of this web site are delivered to Milton News subscribers early on Monday and Friday mornings. You can also receive news via RSS or Twitter rather than email in which case you will see it very soon after it’s posted.

We hope you find the site useful. If you do then tell your neighbours about it and make sure you send us your news to go on the site. If you don’t then please let us know what we can do to improve it.

Finally please note that the inclusion of an item in Milton News doesn’t necessarily mean we support it: we are only a conduit for other people’s news and announcements of events.