Fix My Street

Traditionally if you spotted a problem in Milton which required council intervention the best way to report it, especially if you weren’t sure which council you needed to speak to, was to report it to the parish council clerk Jim Daniels who would then pass it on to the right people.

Some time ago someone posted on the milton-chat mailing list about the Fix My Street web site and some of us in Milton have been using it to report issues and it seems to work remarkably well. You report the fault and their software automatically routes it to the right council. It seems to work pretty well.

To take a recent example Fen Road close to the level crossing is badly potholed (again) and has been very wet as the road doesn’t drain well. I reported this on Sunday. By Wednesday morning a County Council officer had been there and had arranged for their contractors to both fill the pot holes and dig ditches (“grips”) to drain the water away into the land drains running parallel to the road. Hopefully that will be done soon if it’s not already.

You can see incident details here and when the pot holes have been fixed and the grips dug someone, probably me, will no doubt update the site again.

So if you want to save Jim some work try Fix My Street for yourself next time you see an issue that needs reporting.