Photos of Union of South Africa

David Chamberlin reports that about twenty brave souls defied the horrible weather on Sunday lunchtime to get a look at 60009 Union of South Africa as it passed the level crossing at Fen Road. His photos, taken from very close to the line, are online here (you’ll need Flash to view them).

For a view from a little further away Mary-Ann Johnson kindly sent me some photos that were taken by her husband Nat from the pill box on the Cam a little way north of where Fen Road meets the river.

Union of South Africa passing Milton 2007-12-09

Union of South Africa passing Milton 2007-12-09

Union of South Africa passing Milton 2007-12-09

Union of South Africa passing Milton 2007-12-09

Thanks to everyone for the reports and especially to Nat and Mary-Ann for sending me the photos.