Paddle Boarding in Milton Country Park

South Cambridgeshire District Council are running another programme of paddle boarding in Milton Country Park this summer. Experts say paddle boarding, which involves standing on a board and moving through the water using a long paddle, feels like walking on water because it works on the still surface of a lake. One of the world’s fastest-growing water sports, paddleboarding is good exercise for the whole body and easy to learn. The boards are lightweight but incredibly buoyant and stable.

Paddle Boarding in Milton Country Park

They are running taster sessions weekly from 30th April to 25th September, weekly courses in April, June and September and advanced three hour “ready to ride” courses six times on various dates from May to September.

Finally, once you’ve completed all of these courses you can hire a paddle board and go off on your own.

This is only the very briefest summary of what’s on offer. For full details, prices, and how to book visit the Paddle Boarding 2015 page on SCDC’s web site.