More Community Chest Money Available

Community groups and parish councils have just received a boost to the tune of £20,000 as councillors agree extra grant funding for next financial year. The cash boost will see a total of £72,000 available for communities to bid for from 1st April under South Cambridgeshire District Council‘s community chest grant scheme.

Voluntary and community sector groups and parish councils can bid for up to £1,500 from the community chest grant scheme to cover one-off costs relating to a project or activity.

Previous grants have helped purchase preschool outdoor play equipment, install mains water supply for the allotments, restore a church organ and buy equipment for a local football club. For information about the grants and to apply visit

Cllr Ray Manning, Leader of South Cambridgeshire District Council, said:

The community chest grant scheme has been a huge success since it was launched and supported so many parish councils and community groups to do fantastic work in the district. This year we made £52,000 available and I was delighted to see that all go to very worthy projects. Having a bumper pot of money available from 1 April is even better news and I would urge people to plan their bids early as there will be lots of interest.