News from the Community Orchard

Sarah Harris writes:

Dear All,

With last month’s grant application approved we’re starting to put plans in place for the community orchard at Milton Country Park next year.

Fencing should be taking place over February – if any of you have experience in fencing it would be great to hear from you (likewise if you know of someone who could help with machinery). Ten new heritage apple trees have been ordered ready for planting in March (date to be finalised).

We are also hosting a pruning skills workshop on Sunday March 22nd 10am-1pm with experienced tree expert Bob Lever – this will be a great opportunity to get the trees we have in better shape and learn how to look after the new trees. Places are £10 with no experience necessary and all tools provided. Please email if you’d like to reserve a place, it is already proving popular!

While waiting for the fencing and planting to begin it would be good to tackle some of the weeds in the orchard – particularly at the base of the trees and under the memorial bench where we are hoping to establish wildflowers next year. What better time to start than after the excesses of Christmas! We will be meeting outside the café at 10am on Sunday 4th January for a 10-1 for our first ever orchard work party. It would be lovely to see you there! It’d be helpful to know how many to expect so let me know at if you’ll be coming along – not essential though, you can always come and find us at the orchard later if that suits (tools provided but you might want to bring some gardening gloves & wellies). We shall be starting an orchard tradition of tea and homemade biscuits to thank you for coming and to entice you to the next one!

I hope you have a lovely Christmas and look forward to seeing you in the orchard in the new year,

Best wishes,

Sarah Harris