Planning and Maintenance Committees

Your parish council Planning and Maintenance Committee meet on Monday (15/12) in the Bowls Pavilion.

The planning committee meets first at 7pm. The parish council web site has the agenda online (Adobe/PDF, 81KB). The following new applications are being considered relating to properties in Milton village:

  • s/2698/14/fl – Velocix –3 Ely Road, Milton – Erection of temporary modular building for storage purposes
  • s/2727/14/fl – 23 Sutton Close, Milton – Extension to front and side of dwelling and conversion of half of garage

The agenda also notes that application s/2388/14/fl at 9 The Sycamores, Milton for erection of dwelling has been withdrawn.

This will be followed by a meeting of the maintenance committee at 7:45pm. The agenda is not yet online but will be here when it is and includes discussion of issues at the allotments, a quote for repair to play equipment, and issues with the grass cutting and shrub maintenance contract.