Landfill Pong Calendar

As you will already know if you are a milton-chat subscriber there was been some discussion of late of the “black bin” smell coming from the land fill (as opposed to the “other” smell from across the A14) and Emma Downie wrote a
long post on 12th June suggesting, among other things, the creation of a public calender for villagers to log occasions when they smell it.

This was met with general approval and has now been done. Emma writes:

I’ve created a simple on-line calendar for anyone who wants to log the smell from the Landfill. Here is the link:

Please enter 3 things when you make an entry:

  1. Under TITLE = strength of smell out of 10 e.g. 9/10 (very bad) and brief weather description to INCLUDE wind direction and strength
  2. Under WHO = your name, multiple names if applicable (but if smelt in a different location, create a new entry)
  3. Under WHERE = street where smelt

You’ll see that I’ve already logged the times I can remember smelling it over the last two weeks.

As soon as there’s enough entries on there then I’ll share it with Andrew from FCC Environment (site manager) who was receptive to our concerns and is aware I have created this.