Milton Photographic Club

The next meeting of the club will be on Wednesday (21/5) at 7:45pm in the church hall. It will be a discussion, led by Peter and Duncan, on the subject of 21st Century Photography or “What your camera can do for you”.

The idea is to have a fun evening talking about photography and how, when
and why we take photographs. The sort of questions we hope to be answering
are ones such as:

  • Do you trust your camera to do everything for you?
  • Do you know everything your camera can do?
  • Do you take better pictures looking at the LCD?
  • Would you take fun photos with your DSLR?
  • Have you ever used an art filter on your camera?
  • Do you ever alter the metering mode?
  • Do you use WiFi on your camera?
  • Do you use GPS?
  • Do you use your camera for video?
  • How has the Internet changed your photography?

If you can’t make the meeting, we’d like to hear your views via email. And
if you can be there and have things you’d like to talk about please let us
know as well.

All welcome. Please bring £2 as a contribution for use of the hall.