Learn to Walk on Water

You can learn to walk on water when paddleboarding returns to Milton Country Park this summer. Experts say paddleboarding, which involves standing on a board and moving through the water using a long paddle, feels like walking on water because it works on the still surface of a lake.

One of the world’s fastest-growing water sports, paddleboarding is good exercise for the whole body and easy to learn. The boards are lightweight but incredibly buoyant and stable.

Forty-five minute taster sessions, led by qualified instructors, will run between 10am and 1pm every Sunday from 11th May to 29th June, with the exception of 25th May. Sessions will cost just £10 per person.

For those wanting to progress from the thirty minute taster, sixty minute sessions will be available between 1.30pm and 3.30pm on the same days at a cost of £14 per person.

For those looking to take part regularly, they are offering a five week course that will take place every Tuesday between 6th May and 10th June. A junior course tailored to participants aged 10 to 14 will run from 4.30pm to 5.30pm at a cost of £60 and adult courses will follow from 5.30pm to 6.15pm and again from 6.15pm to 7pm at a cost of £50.

Spaces for both one-off sessions and courses are limited so please book early to avoid disappointment by contacting Helen Stepney on 07732 222905 or helen.stepney@scambs.gov.uk

South Cambridgeshire District Council’s sports inclusion officer, Helen Stepney, said:

Exploring Milton Country Park from the tranquility of the lake on a paddle board is a great experience. Coupled with the many physical benefits, this activity offers a great opportunity to get out and get active.

We hope that these sessions, along with other activities in our Adult Try programme, will help get people inspired to try new sports.