Switch on to Collective Energy Switching

Cambridgeshire residents are being given the chance to cut their utility bills with the launch of the Cambridgeshire Energy Switch scheme. The scheme, which is being supported by Cambridgeshire County Council, uses the collective bargaining power of residents to bid for better prices for electricity and gas to save you money.

From this week residents can sign up online via www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/switch or offline, and are collected together as one group or customer.

The deadline for joining this first switch for 2014 is 18th February when energy suppliers are given an opportunity to offer this collective group of residents a deal to provide their electricity and gas. The more residents sign up the better. There is no obligation to accept an offer from companies and the service is free of charge.

The aim of the Cambridgeshire Energy Switch scheme is to save residents money on their energy bills at a time of rising prices. Residents across the County may not be enjoying the lowest tariff. All residents on both credit and pre-payment meters qualify to join the Cambridgeshire Energy Switch.

Anyone wishing to sign up or find out more should log onto www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/switch If people do not have access to the internet they can use one of the computers in their local library or contact Cambridgeshire County Council via emma.middleton@cambridgeshire.gov.uk

Cambridgeshire County Councillor Mathew Shuter, Cabinet Member for Enterprise and Skills, said:

Cambridgeshire County Council wants to do its bit to help people get the best energy deal and make their money go farther. By using the combined buying power of our residents we can help get deals that will save people money. The scheme is free and there is no obligation to accept an offer. We hope as many people as possible will sign up and see if they can save money on their bills.