Race Night at the Lion and Lamb

The Lion and Lamb are holding a Race Night charity fundraiser this Saturday (31/8) in aid of Cambridgeshire Mencap’s Edmund House Rosewood Sun-room appeal.

BBQ from 6pm: £2.50 & £3.50.

And they’re off… at 7pm prompt!

  • FREE entry to Race Night
  • Win a brilliant prize in the Raffle
  • Bag yourself a great night’s entertainment and all the fun of the races

…and help a great cause along the way. Everyone welcome.

You can also download their poster (Adobe/PDF, 373KB) if you can find somewhere suitable to display it to help to publicise the event.

Cambridgeshire Mencap is a registered charity that looks after adults and children with learning disabilities.

They are currently fundraising for a sun-room to sit on the back of Rosewood, a residential home for elderly people with learning disabilities. This home is in Milton and many of the residents suffer from dementia. The sun-room is therefore vital to the residents’ quality of life.

So far they have raised around £30,000 and they have £8,000 to go.

Cambridgeshire Mencap are hoping that the Race Night will bring us closer to the finish line!